Friday, June 6, 2008

Wedding Clearance Sale

Was into this mood of clearing my wedding stuffs lately. The banquet is over, the ROM is over, the whole wedding episode is closed like a finished book and had been put aside for 3 months untouched. I had long wanted to auction off my stuff.. but was too lazy to do so. Lately, I finally started to post all my wedding items for sale on line.

The inital response kick off pretty well, people acutally start emailing me for information and pictures. But this died down as fast as it had started off. Well.. Managed to clear 1 or 2 items though.. One of which is my beloved kua.. Regretted selling it at a low price. Kua these days dont come cheap.. Sighz.. and also my pair of kua shoes.. also at a very low price... I guess I am just not cut out for business.. Too honest in everything.. Cant make money this way.... The nice touch however was I managed to befriend my buyers. To me, its interesting to know brides to be as I enjoy sharing my pictures and experience with them. They are going through a stage which I had been through before and hence, I understand very well how they are feeling. Sadly, my friends still have a few more years to go.. Its nice just sharing with each other your experiences and worries...

Well.. I am meeting another potential buyer today. This buyer seems very sincere as she is willing to make her way from work to my house and later back to her home in Jurong. Hopefully able to sell of a few things in the process.. Haha, I posted my mum's dresses online too (as she commented if I could help her sell off her dresses as well).. And was being chided for it. She claimed that I am selling it too low and stuff.. and that she cant bear to sell off her dress at such a low price like me.. blah.. blah.. blah.. I ended up cancelling the posting of her dress..

Guess I have to be more patient with this stuff.. Notice some brides acutally took a few months to clear their stuff. Needless to say, me with so many different gadgets and stuff.. it is definitely not easy to find the right buyer... I used to be a bride and had used to buy and ask stuff from other forummers too.. I was equally fussy.. So have to be patient with this game...